Here are pictures of the aforementioned recent projects, including one of the ongoing Green Gable Sweater. I'm working it in the largest size since my yarn is smaller than the recommended Wool Ease Chunky. Oddly, my needle size is the same, so I suppose the finished item won't be as thick as the original. On the other hand, it's 100% wool instead of just 25%, so it will probably be just as warm.
Of Press, Vintage Sweaters, and Baby Knitting
I'm back from a wonderful and restful vacation -- it's amazing what a
little time off will do for your energy. It's also amazing what the ocean
air can do ...
Christmas in July
This year has been a long and trying one. I quit my job in October and
took on role of full time stay-at-home mother of three little ones. Joe
started a...
New Year's Bites Fit For Any Party
This year, I had the pleasure of throwing a New Years Party at my
apartment. Though it was not the first time I have hosted one, it was the
first time I de...
New Website, New Blog
Please update your links and flow me over at my new website/blog. I won't
be posting here anymore. Click HERE to find me at my new digs!
Drive By
Today I'm right in the weeds, my petals - so this will be a quickie.
There's actual, bona fide progress on the new blog, after a glitch with the
server tha...
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