Saturday I went to my very last ceramics class then picked up D's finished hat to fix it up for her. I am the Knitting Fairy. It actually worked out pretty well. I felted most of the top portion of the beret and left the band unfelted, to the extent that was possible. She'll be much happier with the new shape, but I'm not sure how she'll feel about the felting.
With the nicely refracted natural light going on in the afternoon, I also headed up to the roof to take some pictures for the shop. The best thing that can be said about it is that it was a learning experience. I guess some of the photos were all right, but I would really like to have someone help me ahem, and he's either sleeping or I'm not around during daylight.

This weekend, I replaced the missing Fetching in Rowan Tapestry (a very saggy yarn) as well as the first Bulky Flip Top mitten, repurposing the ribbed headband that I had made out of the leftovers (no one around here wore it). That leaves only one hat and one mitten replacement. I will need to have the Donegal Tweed swifted next time I go into the store.